
  • 44 orange
  • 24 mandarins
  • 16 lemons
  • 1800 gr of sugar
  • 1800 gr of water
  • 3 cognac glasses of lemon juice


  • Squish the oranges, the mandarins and the lemons and pass the juices through a cheese cloth or a dense strainer.
  • With them you should fill nine water glasses of juice.
  • If they do not fill nine water glasses after squish some more.
  • Pour the water in a saucepan, add the sugar and put in the fire.
  • When the sugar ties up, remove it from the fire, pour the 3 glasses of lemon juice and stir to combine.
  • When it is half way cold add the 9 glasses of juice and stir to mix.
  • Place back in the fire and when it boils remove it from the fire.
  • Set it aside to cool down a bit and pour it in clean sealable bottles.
  • Portokalada (Orange Squash) can be stored in the fridge or a cold place.
  • To drink Orange Squash, pour some in a water glass and fill with cold water and if you prefer, add some ice.

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